[mapserver-users] [EXTERNAL] Re: How can I read Z coordinates in a shape file ?

Smith, Michael ERDC-RDE-CRREL-NH Michael.Smith at erdc.dren.mil
Thu Jan 8 04:07:41 PST 2015

The line in MapServer to show Z_M support is SUPPORTS=POINT_Z_M.

Here's an example that shows WFS output with Z Values:

Note that this uses a specific outputformat that is an OGR outputformat
with the ows_geomtype in the Layer metadata set to LineString25D.


Michael Smith

US Army Corps
Remote Sensing GIS/Center

On 1/8/15, 5:26 AM, "Rahkonen Jukka (MML)"
<jukka.rahkonen at maanmittauslaitos.fi> wrote:

>I would first check that your Mapserver is compiled with Z/M coordinate
>support which is required by reading the document
>http://mapserver.org/output/ogr_output.html . However, I have never
>played with 25D/3D geometries with Mapserver and I have no idea how to
>check if the Z_M support is compiled in. Perhaps there would be something
>about that in the comment line of GetCapabilities which typically shows
>something like "MapServer version 6.4.0 OUTPUT=GIF OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=JPEG
>Excerpt from the WFS server manual:
>    (Optional) Set the geometry type of OGR layers created from this
>MapServer LAYER. One of "Point", "LineString", "Polygon", "MultiPoint",
>"MultiLineString", "MultiPolygon", "GeometryCollection", "Geometry", or
>"None". Most are fairly obvious, but "Geometry" can be used to represent
>a mix of geometry types, and "None" is sometimes suitable for layers
>without geometry. Note that layers which are a mix of polygon and
>multipolygon would normally have to be described as "Geometry". To
>produce 2.5D output append "25D" to the geometry type (ie. "Polygon25D").
>Note that Z values are only carried by MapServer if built with
>USE_POINT_Z_M support.
>I would guess that it is OK in your case because you must have read the
>documentation well before getting as far as you are now.
>My next guess is that perhaps   'wfs_getfeature_formatlist' 'OGRGML' does
>not remove the default outputformat which is mandated by the WFS standard
>and which is GML2 for WFS version 1.0.0. In that case, if you are lucky,
>the problem may be solved by asking Mapserver explicitly use your
>tailored outputformat by adding &OUTPUTFORMAT=OGRGML. If Mapserver
>behaves as it should you can check the GetCapabilities document and read
>the list of available formats from the ResultFormat section. For example
>this server supports only the default GML2
>Despite being the last thing on my short list reading carefully the
>GetCapabilities document is actually the thing that should always be done
>first if there are some troubles with WMS/WFS/WCS services.
>-Jukka Rahkonen-
>Heyser Sylvain wrote:
>> Dear Mapserver community,
>> I try to read the value of the Z coordinate in an Esri Shape file
>>without success.
>> I want to get the Z values through an url request (WFS) like this :
>> But I only get output data without Z values.
><gml:featureMember><ms:Piste fid="Piste.1"><gml:boundedBy><gml:Box
>459693.717118,394828.476944 459689.471118,394825.098944
>> The OGRINFO of the data is :
>Layer name: PISTAERO_line
>Geometry: 3D Line String
>Feature Count: 2
>Extent: (459349.927521, 394583.151000) - (460037.901778, 395483.896917)
>Layer SRS WKT:
>PISTAER_ID: Integer (5.0)
>I have configure my map file as follow :
>     NAME DACDEV_map
>     SIZE 900 700
>     EXTENT 150000 150000 650000 650000
>     SHAPEPATH "shape"
>     IMAGECOLOR 255 255 0
>     SYMBOLSET "symbols-dac.sym"
>         'init=epsg:3163'
>     END
>     CONFIG 'MS_ERRORFILE' '/var/www/tmp/ms_error.log'
>         NAME "OGRGML"
>         DRIVER "OGR/GML"
>         FORMATOPTION "STORAGE=filesystem"
>         FORMATOPTION "FORM=multipart"
>         FORMATOPTION "FILENAME=/var/www/tmp/result.gml"
>     END
>     WEB
>         TEMPLATE "template.html"
>         IMAGEPATH "/var/www/tmp/"
>         IMAGEURL "/tmp/"
>         METADATA
>             'wms_title'           'DAC_DATA'
>             'wms_srs'             'EPSG:3163'
>             'wfs_title'           'DEMO'
>             'wfs_olineressource' ''
>             'wfs_srs'             'EPSG:3163'
>             'wfs_enable_request'  '*'
>         END
>     END
>    LAYER
>         NAME "Piste"
>         DEBUG 5
>         METADATA
>             'wfs_title'           'Piste'
>             'wfs_srs'             'EPSG:3163'
>             'gml_featureid'       'PISTAER_ID'
>             'gml_include_items'   'all'
>             'wfs_enable_request'  '*'
>             'wms_enable_request'  '*'
>             'ows_geomtype'          'LineString25D'
>             'wfs_geomtype'          'LineString25D'
>             'wfs_getfeature_formatlist' 'OGRGML'
>         END
>         CONNECTION "PISTAERO_line.shp"
>         DATA 'PISTAERO_line'
>         STATUS ON
>         DUMP true
>         TYPE LINE25D
>         CLASS
>             NAME "line_color"
>             COLOR 255 215 0
>         END
>     END
>> I don't understand why the /var/www/tmp/result.gml file is never
>>created. It looks like that the OGRGML OUTPUTFORMAT is not used by
>Kind regards,
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