[mapserver-users] postgres layer not visible

Maiorano Pasquale Pasquale.Maiorano at ssi.it
Fri Jan 16 03:30:25 PST 2015

Hi there 

I'm deep in the bull-shit. Help me!

I used the utility shp2img but I do not understand where the map file is


Hereinafter are the three rows in the LAYER tag in the map file that
"should allow" the connection to postgres:


CONNECTION "dbname='gabon' host=localhost port=5432 user='postgres'
password='nicoletta' sslmode=disable"


DATA 'the_geom FROM "public"."Fiumi_riproiettato" USING UNIQUE ID USING
UNIQUE 5223'


These three rows have been extracted from the map file produced by QGIS
by means of "RT mapserver export" plugin.


When I run the shp2img utility it replies that the ID column does not
exist, but using the pgadmin, I see the column named ID and is also the
primary key of the table "Fiumi_riproiettato"!!!


Where is the mistake???


Please help me!!.






P.S.:       QGIS: ver 2.7 

                RT MapServer export: ver 0.4.0

                MapServer: ver. 6.0.3

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