[mapserver-users] WMS service problem with mapserver mapfile layer classes

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Tue Jun 2 13:18:43 PDT 2015

That's a cool WMS service!

Regarding your problem, I suppose you should include more details like 
parts of your mapfile, so the community can help you.


Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

On 2015-06-02 4:58 PM, gorank wrote:
> When I try to get WMS service in QGIS from this link
> http://mapserver.stat.gov.mk/cgi-bin/GDZS/wms?map=/ms4w/apps/GDZS/NAS001_op.map&
>   I get layers defined in mapserver mapfile. When I call lakes as polygons,
> and lines there is no problem to show this elements together with google map
> but when I try to call polygon layer with few classes defined with runtime
> substitution parameter, the layer is not shown.
> How to solve it.
> Goran

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