[mapserver-users] color range fade to transparent.

Jörg Thomsen jt at mapmedia.de
Wed Jun 3 00:54:06 PDT 2015

Hi Bob,

this cannot work I think. A colorrange from 255 0 0 to 254 254 254
renders a map with many colors. In  best case only data values at 300
will be rendered 254 254 254 (perhaps you can check that with a
color-picker? perhaps a clean 254 254 254 is never reached).

But I think you would like to have a layer where the smallest value is
not transparent, the highest value is totally transparent and the values
between are a bit transparent, right? I think you only can set the
opacity for the whole layer.


 Am 03.06.2015 um 00:33 schrieb Basques, Bob (CI-StPaul):
> All,
> My solution below turned out to not be correct either.  It just ramps
> down from RED to the color WHITE, no transparency.
> Here is the layer block I’m using that I’m trying to fade to a
> transparent feature:
> IMAGECOLOR 254 254 254
> <more stuff>
>         LAYER
>                 METADATA
>                  "ows_title" "bbox"
>                  "gml_include_items" "all"
>                 END
> GROUP 'users'
>                 NAME 'bbox'
>                 STATUS ON
>                 TYPE LINE
> <DB connections stuff>
> ## the following greabs a 5 min chunk of data (BBOX geoms  from the
> database from 28 hrs ago and assigns a seq and elapsed time column to
> the result.
>                 DATA "bbox from (
>                         SELECT
> row_number() over (order by accessed_at nulls last) as seq,
> date_part('epoch', (now() - INTERVAL '28 hours' -
> accessed_at)::interval) as elapsed,
> id, accessed_at, bbox
>                         FROM
>                                 layer_metrics
>                         Where
>                                 accessed_at < (NOW() - INTERVAL '28 hours')
>                                 accessed_at >= (NOW() - INTERVAL '28
> hours' - INTERVAL '5 minute')
>                                          ) as subquery using unique id
> using srid=200068"
>                 LABELITEM "elapsed"
>                         #NAME "5 Minute Trail"
> EXPRESSION ([elapsed] >= 0 AND [elapsed] < 300) ## 0-5min 
>                                 OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0
>                                 OUTLINEWIDTH 1
>                                 #COLOR 0 255 0
> COLORRANGE 255 0 0 254 254 254 ##red to opaque (see IMAGECOLOR in the
> MAP block above)
> RANGEITEM "elapsed"
> bobb
>> On Jun 2, 2015, at 4:27 PM, Ben Madin <ben at ausvet.com.au
>> <mailto:ben at ausvet.com.au>> wrote:
>> Bob,
>> Nice, I never knew that such a colorrange option existed (at least, I
>> couldn’t find it documented anywhere?) but I would have presumed maybe
>> you could specify the colour using the alpha like any other colour?
>>> COLORRANGE 255 0 0 255 255 255 255  0 ## red -> transparent
>> Alternatively, if you had a common background colour, you could fade
>> to that?
>> cheers
>> Ben
>>> On 2015-06-03, at 04:48 , Basques, Bob (CI-StPaul)
>>> <bob.basques at ci.stpaul.mn.us <mailto:bob.basques at ci.stpaul.mn.us>> wrote:
>>> All,
>>> Anyone know how to use a transparent color on one end of the coloring
>>> option?
>>> COLORRANGE 255 0 0 ??? ??? ??? ## red -> transparent
>>> It there a RGB color to use for Transparency to fade to?  I basically
>>> want to fade a line based on age to nothing.
>>> Thanks
>>> bobb
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>> Ben Madin
>> t : +61 8 6102 5535
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