[mapserver-users] GDal Mini drivers and php script under IIS 7 on Windows Server 2008

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Thu May 7 04:48:07 PDT 2015

On 2015-05-06 8:26 PM, EVANS, JAMES R GS-13 USAF ACC 84 RADES/SCZE wrote:
> Hi,
> I was previously using IIS 7 on Windows 7, and was running a php script that called the gdal mini drivers to serve up a tiled image set.  Now I'm trying to get it to work on Server 2008.  For some reason, it does not seem to work.  On the IIS log file, I can see the valid request come in, and I can see php calling the mini drivers.  I just don't get an image back on the client side.  The logs from the working IIS on windows 7 looks just like the logs on the non working Windows Server 2008.  It could be some sort of security setting, or a permissions problem.  Also, is there something I need to do to enable the gdal mini drivers?  It's been about 2 years since I set this up previously and I just don't remember having this problem before.  Any hints on how to verify the PHP is working, and how the gdal mini drivers are running would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> James

I would definitely head to the command prompt on the Windows machine, 
and then call php.exe through the commandline, passing it your .php file 
that is supposed to generate your map image, such as:

   php myscript.php

You might also make sure that your test php script shows all errors (I 
think it can be set directly inside your script with: 
error_reporting(E_ALL)  but I might be wrong on syntax...


Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

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