[mapserver-users] RE How to use filter encoding in MapServer in a WFS query?
Steve.Toutant at inspq.qc.ca
Steve.Toutant at inspq.qc.ca
Tue May 12 12:48:33 PDT 2015
Your syntax are good. This is an old problem with int considered as string
Using ogc:PropertyIsLike works though, here is a request
<ogc:Filter xmlns:ogc="http://www.opengis.net/ogc"><ogc:PropertyIsLike
matchCase="false" wildCard="*" singleChar="."
Also this wfs support version= 1.1.0, you should do your request by
specifying this version
cesare gerbino <cesaregerbino at gmail.com>@lists.osgeo.org
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2015-05-12 15:33
mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org
[mapserver-users] How to use filter encoding in MapServer in a WFS query?
Hi all!
I need to query this WFS public service
The layer I need to query is this one
It's a layer with a very big number of point features.
The OGC service is done using MapServer but I don't know the version.
I need to query this layer in a no spatial way: the simplest query I need
to do is something like this one
My final query would like to combine several clauses using the AND logical
Unfortunately at the moment the simplest query above doesn't work: if you
try it in the response ther will be something like
HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might
need to add explicit type casts
I've done several attempts to change it and I've tried other queries: for
1) this one ...
so I think that in this case the sintax could be right but I'm not sure
and I don0't understand because the response is null
2) trying to do a spatial query like this one ...
returns a right response.
I've found on the web that probably there is a workaround ...
that suggest to use the PropertyIsLike operator instead of the
PropertyIsEqual. I've tried to use it but it doesn't work in my case ...
in this case after a long time it seems that the service goes in time out
and no data is returned ....
Now I am completely blocked .... :-(
Any suggestions / workaround?
Thank you very much in advance ...
Cesare Gerbino
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