[mapserver-users] [EXTERNAL] Re: Mapserver 7+oracle - wfs getFeature with filter on numeric field

Rahkonen Jukka (MML) jukka.rahkonen at maanmittauslaitos.fi
Tue May 19 12:14:43 PDT 2015


I made some tests with SQL*Plus. I took a row which has an attribute "nro" which is of type REAL and the value with my Finnish locale looks like "42.071". I suggest you, Steve, to repeat this simple test.

SQL> select nro from test_table where nro=42,071;
[ERROR on row 1]:
ORA-00933: [SQL-command did not end correctly]

Another test:
SQL> select nro from test_table where nro=42.071;


Notice that even if the result is printed out with comma as a decimal separator in my environment I must still use point in the queries. I do not know it is always like that. This works also with SQL*Plus:
SQL> select nro from test_table where nro='42,071';

Now what happens with ogrinfo is funny:

ogrinfo OCI:user/pw at db:test_table  -sql "select nro from test_table where NRO=42.071"
INFO: Open of `OCI:....'
      using driver `OCI' successful.

Layer name: select nro from test_table where NRO=42.071
Geometry: Unknown (any)
Feature Count: 1
Layer SRS WKT:
NRO: Real (0.0)
OGRFeature(select nro from test_table where NRO=42.071):0
  NRO (Real) = 42

My old GDAL truncates the output at the comma.

I can't test with Mapserver right now. I think still that creating an issue is a right thing to do because your trouble is real. I do not know how and where it should be corrected. Perhaps it would work if Mapserver takes care of using always point as a decimal separator in queries even is Oracle is sending back commas? That seems at least to be the right thing to do with SQL*Plus that is a native Oracle product.

I do not believe that tokenizer is the component that fails. Perhaps it fails but sending commas as decimal separator would probably still yield an error.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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