[mapserver-users] MapCache performance tips

Richard Hanssen semska at gmail.com
Wed Oct 21 00:32:15 PDT 2015


We have a MapCache service running on top of a WMS service that holds a few
layers with several dimensions(runtime substitution). The MapCache is also
set up with dimensions that corresponds with the WMS service.

We have a client that uses OpenLayers with tiled wms layers that is read
from MapCache(or underlying WMS if the tiles are not preseeded)

We have a simple IIS proxy in front of MapCache that forwards the tile
requests to MapCache.

The problem is that the speed does not seem to be very good when there are
several users requesting tiles even if they are preseeded.

The layers contain lines from shiptracks, and these are separated on 13
shiptypes, 8 size categories and periods of months. This leads to a
considerable amount of cache structures. We also host the cache in 2
different projections. In total we have around 10 000 cache structures with
all combinations of dimensions. And this is growing with 225 new structures
each month. We preseed 5-7 levels for each of these structures.

We use disk cache and have today approximately:
- 25 000 000 tiles
- 3 500 000 folders
- 300 GB size on disk

Database that holds the shiptails is PostgreSQL 9.3.4(64-bit) with PostGIS
2.1 on a Windows 2008 server. WMS service and MapCache is hosted on another
Windows 2008 server.

Any tips on where the most likely bottlenecks might be? Most interested in
how to speed up preseeded tiles. Windows VS Linux, Hardware, config etc.

Many thanks,

Richard Hanssen
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