[mapserver-users] URL redirection under Apache2-Difference WMS and WFS server

thomas bonfort thomas.bonfort at gmail.com
Mon Sep 7 00:16:07 PDT 2015


On 7 September 2015 at 09:12, Pasquale Regina <pasquale.regina at enea.it> wrote:
> if I did not add to rewriterule  &service=wms&request=getcapabilities ... not working. The problem is on wfs that reads the wfs request GetCapabilities but when I ask for qgis (add wfs layer) to add the layer (getfeature) this passes 2 times the request, getcapabilities (due to rewrite) and getfeature and generating error.
> I would avoid using SERVICE in rewrite statement but no it does not work.
> Pasquale.
> -----Messaggio originale-----
> Da: thomas bonfort [mailto:thomas.bonfort at gmail.com]
> Inviato: venerdì 4 settembre 2015 19:00
> A: Pasquale Regina
> Cc: MapserverList OSGEO
> Oggetto: Re: [mapserver-users] URL redirection under Apache2-Difference WMS and WFS server
> I'd avoid using the SERVICE= rewrites as the handling of capital letters may prove to be problematic. You should also not be adding the REQUEST= and other parts in your rewrite rule.
> Basically, just:
> <Directory “…/public_html”>
> RewriteEngine on
> RewriteRule mywms(.*)?(.*)$
> /cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/var/www/biss.org/public_html/pmapper/config/default/pmapper_demo_wms$1.map&$2
> RewriteRule mywfs(.*)?(.*)$
> /cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/var/www/biss.org/public_html/pmapper/config/default/pmapper_demo_wfs$1.map&$2
> </Directory>
> --
> thomas
> On 4 September 2015 at 16:54, Pasquale Regina <pasquale.regina at enea.it> wrote:
>> Greetings to everyone on the user list.
>> Sorry for my english.
>> I have a problem to submit because I cannot frame it properly: I do
>> not expect that you will solve it but you can provide guidance on how
>> to deal with it and I move on.
>> According with mapserver wms server howto at
>> http://mapserver.org/ogc/wms_server.html, in section “Changing the
>> Online Resource URL” I follow the indication “Apache environment
>> variables – MS_MAPFILE”. So I create a link in http cgi-bin folder
>> named mywms which points to /usr/lib/cgi-bin/mapserv, the application/executable file.
>> My http.conf file contain instruction:
>> Alias /mywms /usr/lib/cgi-bin/mapserver
>> <Location /mywms>
>> SetHandler cgi-script
>> Options ExecCGI
>> /var/www/biss.org/public_html/pmapper/config/default/pmapper_demo_wms.
>> map
>> </Location>
>> And the application correctly works and in a wms gis client I can
>> connect to wms server with follow link www.biss.org/mywms.
>> This is configuration to access to a single default mapfile
>> (pmapper_demo_wms.map).
>> In a similar way for a wfs server with pmapper_demo_wfs.map (mywfs
>> link in cgi-bin folder, …)
>> My project manager wants to change the settings of project by create
>> individual mapfile (not only one, the default) for each registered
>> user and so I need  to access the individual mapfiles inserting
>> different links: in other words in a wms gis client I put the link
>> www.biss.org/mywms_123_45 to point to the file
>> pmapper_demo_wms_123_45.map (123_45 represents a registered user id,
>> one of actually 75 registered users!! So I don’t create
>> 75 and on link…). The map files are created automatically by the
>> database on user’s registration for both wms e wfs mapfile.
>> So I changed in http.conf toward rewrite rule solution (and remove
>> references to Alias /mywxx and <Location /mywxx> for both mywms and
>> mywfs)
>> in
>> <Directory “…/public_html”>
>> ….
>> RewriteEngine on
>> RewriteRule myw?(.)s(.*)$
>> /cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/var/www/biss.org/public_html/pmapper/config/defa
>> ult/pmapper_demo_w$1s$2.map&SERVICE=W$1S&REQUEST=GetCapabilities&
>> </Directory>
>> So when I put http://www.biss.org/mywms_123_45 in QGIS --> add WMS
>> layer it works because point to
>> pmapper_demo_wms_123_45.map&SERVICE=WmS&REQUEST=GetCapabilities
>> according to $1=m and $2=_123_45 variables.
>> The problem arises with wfs request in QGIS à add WFS vector. Putting
>> http://www.biss.org/mywfs_123_45 QGIS (and other wfs client similar)
>> sends the response in attached “Il server WFS non supporta la versione
>> WFS 1.0.0 oppure l’ URL è errato” (Italian language!!) while putting
>> http://www.biss.org/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/var/www/biss.org/public_html/
>> pmapper/config/default/pmapper_demo_wfs_123_45.map
>> it works correctly (which demonstrate that mapfile is ok! and in the
>> layer properties I read correctly …&SERVICE=WFS&VERSION=1.0.0&REQ….)
>> what it is due to the difference in behavior for mapserver when
>> rewrite the url? Is it a feature of wfs server?
>> Can you direct me?
>> Thanks in advance. Pasquale.
>> PS. Apache2 version 2.4.7 on Ubuntu 14.04 MapServer 6.4.1
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