[mapserver-users] Announcing the new MS4W

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Fri Sep 11 07:59:55 PDT 2015

Great feedback, thanks.  Here I just installed a fresh copy into 
"D:/tmp/test bad spaces 7/", followed the config steps at 
http://www.ms4w.com/README_INSTALL.html#g-mapcache-apache-module and had 
no problems using MapCache.

In your testing, could you file tickets so this is caught for the next 
release? http://www.ms4w.com/trac/  I'll see you all on the new MS4W 
mailing list! :)



On 2015-09-11 11:39 AM, Rahkonen Jukka (MML) wrote:
> Hi,
> Installs and runs.
> However, running MapCache from another drive than C: fails for me.
> What did I do:
> Edited lines 179 and 413 of httpd.conf to point to i:/ms4w/...
> Edited mapcache.xml to use  i:/ instead of c:/ in all places
> Opening the MapCache demo link leads to Apache crash and minidump. No crash if I stay on c:\ms4w and also MapCacha demo works. cgi-bin/mapserv.exe is all right also when driven from i:/
> -Jukka Rahkonen-
> Jeff McKenna wrote:
>> Hi everyone!
>> Just in time for FOSS4G-Seoul, I'm very proud to announce the new MS4W[1]  MS4W is thriving, as you can see by its long history[2] of releases, and the last few months has seen a lot of development.  Much thanks goes to Tanya Haddad for her support for this release, it has been quite an effort updating the full stack (the number of libraries updated and added is large as you see in the recent history).
> You'll also note that there has been releases happening, we just needed a new home for people to find them.  It's quite exciting to live at ms4w.com now, and you'll also notice that we have been using a new tracker[3] which has been working well (please feel free to use it).
> You may also notice that releases now have a Roadmap[4], every 3 months with dated milestones, and you can follow along the exact changes coming through the tracker link on that page.
> This 3.1.0 release has some tasty features, including optimized Apache 2.4, MapServer 7.0, PHP 5.4.45, all mapscripts, Oracle support, MapCache
> 1.4.0 (with GDAL support), TinyOWS 1.1.1, spatialite/OSM utilities, and many many more goodies.  New users might like to start at the features[5] page to review.
> Finally we have moved to a new mailing list (I haven't been able to post to my own old MS4W mailing list for almost 2 years now): please join, as all releases will be announced and support given through the new MS4W list[6] So, I'll cya there! :)
> Thanks so much everyone, I am quite excited.
> [1] http://www.ms4w.com/
> [2] http://www.ms4w.com/HISTORY.html
> [3] http://www.ms4w.com/trac/
> [4] http://www.ms4w.com/roadmap.html
> [5] http://www.ms4w.com/features.html
> [6] http://lists.ms4w.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/ms4w-users
> -jeff

Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

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