[mapserver-users] mapcache wms supported srs

thomas bonfort thomas.bonfort at gmail.com
Tue Sep 29 06:05:37 PDT 2015

> Do you know if the new use_wms_intermediate_resolution
> will work on seeded caches with no source configured?
it needs to go back to the source wms.

> On 28 September 2015 at 16:36, thomas bonfort <thomas.bonfort at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Travis,
>> Mapcache itself won't do any reprojection, you can however setup a
>> forwarding rule so that those requests get proxied to an upstream wms server
>> (you'd have to handcraft a capabilities doc to advertise that other
>> projection though)
>> Thomas.
>> On Sep 28, 2015 17:30, "Travis Kirstine" <traviskirstine at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Is it possible to support wms srs for layers that do not have a matching
>>> srs grid configured.  For example can I support GetMap requests for
>>> SRS=EPSG:26917 when I only have a "Google Map Compatible" grid configured
>>> (3857)
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