[mapserver-users] tinyows does not show vector layer

Rahkonen Jukka (MML) jukka.rahkonen at maanmittauslaitos.fi
Wed Apr 13 00:12:31 PDT 2016

Hi ,

You could have mentioned that you have asked the same question in gis.stackexchange http://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/189102/tinyows-does-not-show-vector-layer . Reading the comments may help Mapserver users to give you a better answer and faster.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

vineet singh wrote:

Hi Everyone,

I'm using tinyows server configured with config.xml file. I'm adding vector layer to config file and for the first time it does not show newly added layer, but once i have restarted the tinyows server than it will show the layer.

So i have to restart tinyows after adding new layer. Anyone know how can I fix this so that it will work without restarting.

I'm runing TinyOWS as fast-cgi.

Here is config.xml :

<tinyows log="/home/vineet/Project/mygis/data/logs/wfs.log" log_level="15" online_resource="" schema_dir="/home/vineet/Project/mygis/data/schema">

<pg dbname="mygis" host="localhost" password="abcd" port="19095" user="mygis"/>

<metadata name="MyGis Server" title="MyGis Server - WFS-T Service"/>

<contact email="contact at xxxx.com<mailto:contact at xxxx.com>" name="MyGis Server" site="http://www.xxxxx.com/"/>

<layer retrievable="1"  writable="1" ns_prefix="tows" ns_uri="http://www.vizexperts.com/"  name="world_boundaries"

 title="World Borders" />



Vineet Singh
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