[mapserver-users] GetFeatureInfo request for multiple times on tileindex raster layer
Schepers, Benjamin
schepers at rvr-online.de
Thu Aug 4 23:57:55 PDT 2016
Hi Mike,
just my thoughts:
What would be the result of an getmap-Request in your second scenario with multiple discrete timestamps?
A getmap-request just can produce one single image – anything else wouldn’t make sense to me. So if you request two discrete timestamps, one would expect to get two rasters from DB/filesystem and there has to be a logic what should be done by mapserver with those two images (choose the topmost or the underlying or a merge of them – which merge method? – of those pics to get one of two or many)…
Maybe the latest date, as you determined, is the topmost.
My thought what getfeatureinfo logic does are equivalent to that…
Maybe I’m wrong with that, but that could just be answered by someone who can read the sourcecode?!
If you want to merge rasters on the fly (or their values) COMPOSITE maybe could help you: http://mapserver.org/de/mapfile/composite.html
Benjamin Schepers
Luftbild und Geoinformationssysteme
Kronprinzenstraße 35
45128 Essen
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schepers at rvr-online.de
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Von: mapserver-users [mailto:mapserver-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] Im Auftrag von Michael Billmire
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 4. August 2016 21:53
An: mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org
Betreff: [mapserver-users] GetFeatureInfo request for multiple times on tileindex raster layer
Hi all,
I'm serving raster layers as time-series using a PostGIS tile index (GetCapabilities<http://spatial.mtri.org/cgi-bin/mapserv?REQUEST=GetCapabilities&SERVICE=WMS&map=watersensing_map>, for reference).
GetFeatureInfo is working fine for single timestamp requests, e.g.:
However, when requesting multiple discrete time stamps (e.g. time=2015-09-06,2016-05-23), I get multiple results (i.e. a result for each timestamp), BUT the pixel value returned is the same for each result, representing the raster with the latest date:
In my template, [value_list] returns just the single value (i.e. the value of the raster at the latest date), [value_0] returns that same value, and [value_1] returns nothing.
Is there anything obvious here that I'm doing wrong? Is this type of multiple timestamp pixel querying even supported?
Michael Billmire, CMS-GIS/LIS
Research Scientist
Michigan Tech Research Institute (MTRI)
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