[mapserver-users] About the WFS 2.0 stored query example

Rahkonen Jukka (MML) jukka.rahkonen at maanmittauslaitos.fi
Wed Dec 21 02:45:01 PST 2016

Even Rouault wrote:
Re: [mapserver-users] About the WFS 2.0 stored query example

On mercredi 21 décembre 2016 08:54:38 CET Rahkonen Jukka (MML) wrote:

> Hi,


> I tried to test the stored query example from

> http://mapserver.org/ogc/wfs_server.html#stored-queries-wfs-2-0. I edited

> the query to use my typeNames, but ListStoredQueries sends an error:


> <!-

> WARNING: Definition for stored query bboxstoredquery is invalid

> -->


> I can't find any more information from the errorfile. Is that stored query

> tested to work with Mapserver 7.0.3? What to do for debugging?


yes this is tested in


The error you get is due to some XML invalidity raised by the XML parser.


I managed to get my version accepted directly from the mapfile as _inlinedef. Using _filedef fails for some reason even the XML file looks good and it is UTF-8 encoded. I used it for the _inlinedef version and only changes I made were to remove newlines and spaces, and escape " into \"

The stored query example in the documentation does work but I wonder if it is totally valid.  The example is without value reference for the geometry

<fes:Filter><fes:BBOX><gml:Envelope srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326">

However, in the inlinedef that is used in autotest the ValueReference appears




-Jukka Rahkonen-



Spatialys - Geospatial professional services

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