[mapserver-users] WMS GetFeatureInfo no processed template on cluster layer

Carlos Ruiz boolean10001 at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 13 11:47:47 PST 2016

Hi to all,

Maybe I'm missing something, but I cannot retreieve features' information when I have a CLUSTER tag within a WMS layer.

I could retrieve features' information before as text/html on an HTML template performing a GetFeatureInfo query, but after I have included CLUSTER for presentation purposes, the fields on the template are not substituted anymore. The field names are shown as they were written (i.e. [street_name]) on the template.

This can be a little bit obvious because CLUSTER can represent a lot of near features. However, I have tested to retrieve info over a cluster with just one feature and the result is the same.

Is there something that I'm missing or the query behavior on a cluster is just undefined ?

Thanks in advance
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