[mapserver-users] How to make uvraster background transparent?

thomas bonfort thomas.bonfort at gmail.com
Wed Jul 13 09:06:47 PDT 2016


The black color is coming from somewhere else, uvraster layers are
transparent, c.f. change/set the imagecolor in
msautotest/renderers/uvraster.map to see for yourself.


On 13 July 2016 at 17:59, Stephen Woodbridge <woodbri at swoodbridge.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm trying to use a CONNECTIONTYPE uvraster, andand it works very well,
> except I would like the black background to be transparent so I can overlay
> it on other data. A typical LAYER definition follows.
> Is there a way to do this?
> Thanks,
>   -Steve W
>     LAYER
>         NAME "uv1_0"
>         GROUP "0"
>         TYPE POINT
>         STATUS ON
>         MINSCALEDENOM 1000000
>         CONNECTIONTYPE uvraster
>         OFFSITE 0 0 0
>         TRANSPARENCY 100
>         DATA "/maps/wms/data/HYCOM/HYCOM-currents.tif"
>         PROCESSING "BANDS=1,2"
>         #PROCESSING "NODATA=10000"
>         PROCESSING "NODATA=1.2676506002282e+30"
>         PROCESSING "UV_SIZE_SCALE=15.0"     # factor
>         CLASS
>             EXPRESSION ([uv_length] > 100)
>         END
>         CLASS
>             EXPRESSION ([uv_length] < 4.5)  # 0.3 * factor
>             STYLE
>                 SYMBOL "horizline"
>                 ANGLE [uv_angle]
>                 SIZE [uv_length]
>                 WIDTH 1
>                 COLOR "#3840F2"
>             END # style
>             STYLE
>                 SYMBOL "arrowhead"
>                 ANGLE [uv_angle]
>                 SIZE 4
>                 COLOR "#3840F2"
>                 POLAROFFSET [uv_length_2] [uv_angle]
>             END # style
>         END # class
>         # ... more CLASSes
>     END
> ---
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