[mapserver-users] ogrinfo : couldn't fetch requested layer

mathias cunault mathias.cunault at inrap.fr
Tue Jul 19 04:18:45 PDT 2016


I have created an odbc connexion named basol to use csv and vrt files in
Mapserver. Ogrinfo can open basol (using driver ODBC successfully)

    `ogrinfo ODBC:@basol test.csv

but says "FAILURE : Couldn't fetch requested layer test.csv"

Is it a problem with system environnment variables ? Does it mean that
mapserver will not be able to draw the layer later ?

Apache version 2.2.22
PHP version 5.4.3
MapServer 6.0.3 CGI and MapScript (CSharp, Java, PHP, Python)
GDAL 1.9.1
mapserver utilities
gdal/ogr utilities

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