[mapserver-users] Slow Response or Timeout for Mapserver

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Thu Jun 30 07:56:33 PDT 2016

resending my response from this morning, as it never seemed to make it 
to the list....

On 2016-06-30 8:58 AM, Jeff McKenna wrote:
> Hello Cora,
> WMS Client problems are always very difficult to track down.  I was
> recently in a similar situation: QGIS was for some reason timing out on
> my MapServer WMS requests.  I had to get the full GetMap that QGIS was
> generating (which was never sent to my Apache server), and for that I
> had to use Fiddler (http://www.telerik.com/fiddler) to get the full
> request generated by QGIS.  I compared that with a working full GetMap
> request (comparing all parameters in both), and I was startled to
> discover that QGIS was using cached (old) parameters for my WMS - I
> reported this to the QGIS dev team and there was a ticked filed for this
> (sorry I don't have the exact ticket link handy).  I also learned that
> there is a way in the QGIS menus to actually clear these WMS caches.
> Maybe my similar problem gives you some ideas.  But for sure, you will
> also likely have to use a tool like Fiddler to get the exact WMS
> parameters that your GIS is generating and causing problems.
> -jeff

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