[mapserver-users] UTF-Grid not working via cgi/fcgi?

Schepers, Benjamin schepers at rvr-online.de
Wed Mar 2 22:14:37 PST 2016

Hi @all,

has someone successfully realized an WMS with UTF-Grid-Layer? (http://mapserver.org/development/rfc/ms-rfc-93.html)

I use Mapserver 7.0.0 (and also tried the latest master) and wasn't able to get any output from the web-Service as WMS-Request with format "application/json".
The application/json-response has a filesize of 0Bytes, other formats (jpeg/png) work well - with exactly the same request, except the format.

UTF-Grid also seems to be produced well with a simulated request against mapserver on the commandline-interface
("/usr/local/bin/mapserv QUERY_STRING="SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.3.0&REQUEST=GetMap&BBOX=339444,5697190,347678,5702286&CRS=EPSG:25832&WIDTH=1556&HEIGHT=963&LAYERS=poi &STYLES=&FORMAT=application/json&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&map=PATH_TO_MAPFILE" > OUTPUT")

Mapserver LOG (DEBUG 5) with wms request:
[Wed Mar  2 14:47:17 2016].978816 CGI Request 1 on process 23097
[Wed Mar  2 14:47:17 2016].978943 msDrawMap(): rendering using outputformat named UTFGRID (UTFGRID).
[Wed Mar  2 14:47:17 2016].978951 msDrawMap(): WMS/WFS set-up and query, 0.000s
[Wed Mar  2 14:47:18 2016].19127 msDrawMap(): Layer 0 (poi), 0.040s
[Wed Mar  2 14:47:18 2016].19143 msDrawMap(): Drawing Label Cache, 0.000s
[Wed Mar  2 14:47:18 2016].19146 msDrawMap() total time: 0.040s
[Wed Mar  2 14:47:18 2016].23178 msSaveImage(stdout) total time: 0.004s
[Wed Mar  2 14:47:18 2016].23191 mapserv request processing time (msLoadMap not incl.): 0.044s
[Wed Mar  2 14:47:18 2016].23194 msFreeMap(): freeing map at 0x51c1bf0.

--> I would say, this looks good, but no response on the client-side!

Some further investigation showed me, that the correct output is written to the apache error.log!!!
I'm not a developer of web application/cgi etc, but comparing this to writing shell scripts (which I do a lot), it seems, that the mapserver output for format "application/json" goes to "STDERR" (apache error.log) and not to "STDOUT" (client)

System is debian7, apache 2.2, mapserver 7/master (self compiled, as well as the geos-/gdal-/proj-stack).
Could someone crosscheck this feature, does it need special apache-config? Is it a misconfiguration of apache or a mapserver/apache-bug?

Any ideas out there?

Thank You very much


Benjamin Schepers

Luftbild und Geoinformationssysteme
schepers at rvr-online.de<mailto:schepers at rvr-online.de>

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Kronprinzenstraße 35
45128 Essen

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