[mapserver-users] shp2img line-command to output mapfile with multiple layers

Rahkonen Jukka (MML) jukka.rahkonen at maanmittauslaitos.fi
Fri Mar 11 08:34:49 PST 2016

Yes, the syntax is that and I apologize that I wrote my examples with commas.  You can also use the new "A map with two layers" tutorial example from http://gislars.github.io/mapserver_docs/tutorial/ with Naturalearth data 

With MS4W this command gives desired result:
C:\ms4w\apps>shp2img -m two_layers.map -l "ocean land" -o foo.png

However, I tried the same with some of our existing mapfiles with Mapserver 7.0.0 on Linux and I do really get only the first layer at least with some layer combinations (tileindex raster and spatialite vector layer). I should investigate this a bit further but there may be something strange in it.

I did take care of using png format explicitly with -I png and I was also changing the order of layers and I am pretty sure that I do not render non-transparent jpeg over the other layer as I thought first.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Jeff McKenna wrote:

Hi Nino,

Sorry for this confusion.  I did some local testing and Steve's syntax is correct.  I've also taken the time now to update the shp2img doc with more working examples for single and multiple layers, and committed those changes.  Thanks for pointing this out.


Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services http://www.gatewaygeomatics.com/

On 2016-03-11 11:14 AM, Lime, Steve D (MNIT) wrote:
> Syntax according to the documentation (http://mapserver.org/utilities/shp2img.html) is:
>    shp2img -m my.map -l "layer1 layer2 layer3" -o my.png
> Steve
> -----Original Message-----
> From: mapserver-users [mailto:mapserver-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of ninofor
> Sent: Friday, March 11, 2016 5:25 AM
> To: mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org
> Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] shp2img line-command to output mapfile with multiple layers
> Yes ... I also tried:
> shp2img -m my_map.map -o my_map.png
> but result is the same: always a map image with only first layer !
> Ciao!
> Nino

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