[mapserver-users] Tinyows exchange coords when POST request.

Rahkonen Jukka (MML) jukka.rahkonen at maanmittauslaitos.fi
Mon Mar 28 23:45:27 PDT 2016


This is not true "the result will be ALWAYS in reversed format."

The bug seems to be specific for EPSG:3003. See what your own server does with EPSG:3067:



No flip which is correct. The place to correct the bug is to find out where TinyOWS is analyzing if coordinates must be flipped or not and consider how to get EPSG:3003 into the list of no-flip systems.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Andrea Peri wrote:

> Hi,
I'm evaluting some wfs softwares to start a wfs transactionally with writable capabilities.

> After some test sessions using geoserver.

> I start to test the tinyows and notice a strange question about the reversing of axis.

> I send some email and exchange opinion with Olivier and Jukka.
After this I stopthe testing because need to do another urgetn work.
Now I need to restart the question of what wfs use for our service.

> So I restart on tinyows and try to understand better the question of reversing axis.

> So I notice that the tinyows will return the list of srs in URN format in the getcapabilities.
This a very complicated question because the clients will return the values listesd in the capabilities.
And if the capabilities report always a reversed format, the result will be ALWAYS in reversed format.

I notice infact that when call for a getcapabilities from a tinyows.


It return always the srs of the layers always using the urn notation:


And this mean that the client will send a request using the same notation.
But these mean also , as reported me from Olivier, thattinyows will return always the axis reversed.

This is a sample of a call with a correct axis order:


So I need to understand of the reversing axis in tinyows is a bug patchable or a standardized response.
And also I need to understand if is right that the getcapabilites will return the srs list always in URN format .

Any hint on this ?



Andrea Peri
. . . . . . . . .
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