[mapserver-users] MapServer 7.0.2 : Styling WMS Layer with SLD issue

SAEZ Laurent - SG/SPSSI/CPII/DOM/ET/PNE IG Laurent.Saez at developpement-durable.gouv.fr
Tue Nov 8 02:12:05 PST 2016


I'm trying to style a WMS Layer with external SLD file.
In my mapfile I have set "TEMPPATH" (and not TMPPATH like it is reported 
in logfile ;-).
The directory set in "TEMPPATH" is correctly configured with all needed 
rights for www-data user.
When the client request the layer with an external SLD, for example :

The answer is :
msSLDApplySLDURL: WMS server error. Could not open SLD 
and save it in a temporary file. Please make sure that the sld url is 
valid and that the temporary path is set. The temporary path can be 
defined for example by setting TMPPATH in the map file. Please check the 
MapServer documentation on temporary path settings.
msHTTPExecuteRequests(): HTTP request error. HTTP: TIMEOUT of 30 seconds 
exceeded for 

I know that is possible to specify ows_proxy_* for a cascaded layer 
(when MapServer is used as a WMS client).
But is there a way to specify a proxy in a mapfile for all ressources 
needed to style a layer?


Laurent SAËZ

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