[mapserver-users] PostGIS date queries performance issues

Kralidis, Tom (EC) tom.kralidis at canada.ca
Thu Nov 17 18:14:14 PST 2016

Hi all: using 7.0.2 against a PostgreSQL 9.3/PostGIS 2.2 instance we're getting very long (timeouts even) response times when doing WFS filters against PostgreSQL date types.

I've posted a Gist at [1] to help in reporting.  Note that this functionality used to work with acceptable performance in 6.4.x.

Looking deeper (see Gist) it appears that the SQL queries that MapServer crafts for PostgreSQL are different.  When I try the 7.0.2 based SQL in a psql prompt, the same very long response time results.

Any idea what could be going on here?



[1] https://gist.github.com/tomkralidis/006594382d6339c2047b441108a3991b

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