[mapserver-users] Can't get capabilities xml error message

Rahkonen Jukka (MML) jukka.rahkonen at maanmittauslaitos.fi
Wed Nov 23 03:27:34 PST 2016

It seems that there is already some XML parser involved. With browser you should do right click – view page source before saving. Or use curl and download the response directly into a file

curl -o get_cap.txt ""

If your problem deals with titles or abstracts in your mapfile, comment them all out first, check if GetCapabilities work, and start adding them back one be one. You will soon find which title makes problem.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

mathias cunault wrote:

Re: [mapserver-users] Can't get capabilities xml error message

My mapfile is in UTF8 since the start.
If saving the GetCapabilities response means right clic and save as mapserv.exe.xml, then here is the full response :


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="mapserv.exe_fichiers/intl.css" type="text/css"?>
<parsererror xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/newlayout/xml/parsererror.xml">Erreur d’analyse XML : balise non fermée
Emplacement :\ms4w\map\fond_mapserver.map&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetCapabilities&
Numéro de ligne 144, Colonne 9 :<sourcetext>        <Title

​That's all. No line 144...

Am i right ?​

2016-11-23 11:34 GMT+01:00 Rahkonen Jukka (MML) <jukka.rahkonen at maanmittauslaitos.fi<mailto:jukka.rahkonen at maanmittauslaitos.fi>>:

Save the GetCapabilities response on the disk, open it with text editor and see what there is on the line 144 at place 17. But did you already convert your mapfile into UTF8? You must do it anyways so do it now before making any other changes.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Leehan wrote:
Re: [mapserver-users] Can't get capabilities xml error message

>I made the change you have suggested.
It has just changed the error message :
"Numéro de ligne 144, colonne 17 :

View this message in context: http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/Can-t-get-capabilities-xml-error-message-tp5296958p5297075.html
Sent from the Mapserver - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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Mathias Cunault
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