[mapserver-users] XSS vulnerability on the 'layer' parameter of WMTS

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Sun Aug 6 06:43:48 PDT 2017

On 2017-08-06 8:47 AM, Even Rouault wrote:
> Beste / devs,
> adding the development list in CC.
> I can confirm the issue on latest mapcache master. The vulnerabililty is the
> injection of a parameter value between XML comment markers <-- --> used for
> the error message. When this parameter value starts with --> it ends up the
> comment part and the rest of the value is then parsed as non-comment XML.
> By skimming through the code it appears there are several similar instances in
> this protocol and others as well.
> I can see 2 options to fix this:
> - the safer one I think: do not return the invalid parameter value in the
> error message, but just the parameter name. So returning "Invalid layer name"
> instead of "Invalid layer {value_of_the_LAYER_parameter}". The important
> information is the name of the erroneous parameter, not its value (the user
> can figure it that himself)

I think users need the {value_of_the_LAYER_parameter}  Without that, it 
is impossible to debug with a large mapfile (with or without MapCache).

> - a more risky one: sanitize the value that is going to be put inside XML
> comments <--  --> . So that means at least removing --> sequences, but perhaps
> other things too ?
> Even


Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

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