[mapserver-users] Dynamic Watermark

Olivier Gagnon mcnolii at hotmail.com
Thu Aug 31 10:24:02 PDT 2017

Hi there,

I'm new to mapserver.

I need to develop a custom function to add a dynamic watermark using a wms layer.

The process is simple : I have a polygon layer with a "providerName" field. This layer will be used as an overlay on top of other layers.

I need to get the features returned byt the spatial query, get all the provider names for the current bbox by using the features collection, add a point to the layer (ex: bottom center) with the names of the providers as a label. This has to be done on each pan and zoom.

I think it's quite simple so how would I get the list of features returned by the spatial query ? How do I add the point and the label ?

I'm thinking to use python. Where do I put the code ? How do I link it to the mapfile ?

I'll continue reading in the meantime.


Envoyé à partir d’Outlook<http://aka.ms/weboutlook>
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