[mapserver-users] mapserver with kml

Seth G sethg at geographika.co.uk
Thu Dec 14 00:03:18 PST 2017


Your output image looks like a projection issue. Google Maps use the
espg:3857 projection, but your request is asking for SRS=epsg:4326,
maybe try changing this?Also are you trying to return KML or display an image using KML as a
data source? If you are trying to return KML you'd need to use WFS
rather than WMS which only returns images.

twitter: @geographika

On Thu, Dec 14, 2017, at 01:33 AM, Ivan Ogasawara wrote:
> Dear all,
> Anyone knows some tutorial to work with mapserver (wms) and kml?
> I am trying to do it .. but with no success.
> this is the local url used:
> for image/png works fine (tested with leaflet).
> Any tips?
> Files:
> * mapfiles:
>   * https://pastebin.com/4EkahMZi
>   * https://pastebin.com/DVSt4mmS
> * kml: https://pastebin.com/LYkD4ZDL
> * Result:
>   https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5209757/33969313-f7029096-e042-11e7-8621-e8235f0bd5ce.png> 
> Thanks!
> My best regards,
> Ivan
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