[mapserver-users] 3D / 2.5D / Coordinates with Z and GEOMETRY Type in WFS

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at mapgears.com
Fri Jun 30 06:59:30 PDT 2017

On 2017-06-30 9:50 AM, Even Rouault wrote:
> I'm wondering if we shouldn't revisit the decision to have USE_POINT_Z_M 
> disabled by default. This is often annoying.
> Apparently, adding USE_POINT_Z_M defaulting to OFF was driven by 
> performance reasons per 
> https://github.com/mapserver/mapserver/issues/1244 . But this was 12 
> years ago. Perhaps with recent hardware the performance difference isn't 
> that big. The ticket unfortunately doesn't contain a test case to bench 
> (likely lots of lines/polygons, or large lines/polygons to render). If 
> the perf difference is still there, a more involved change would be 
> indeed to move the z and m components into separate arrays.

#1244 refers to #1224 which is using the gmap demo mapfile... which is a 
relatively small dataset, so it should be easy to verify if the issue is 
still relevant on more recent hardware using gmap or probably any other 


Daniel Morissette
Mapgears Inc
T: +1 418-696-5056 #201

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