[mapserver-users] Mapserver 7.0.2

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Wed Mar 22 14:39:11 PDT 2017

I don't believe this is possible because there is no geometry associated 
with the leader line (MapServer cannot tell where the "start" and "end" 
is).  But I agree that this would be a useful enhancement to the LEADER 
object, to include an optional parameter to turn on arrows.

PS. it's great to see that I made available the full mapfile and data 
used in the leader documentation, I'll keep doing that!


Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

On 2017-03-22 5:01 PM, pe_lord wrote:
> There is a way to add arrows at the end of a label leader.
> At this time, my leaders are working properly ( Leader
> <http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/mapfile/leader.html>  ). At the moment I try
> to add another style by geotransform as explained here ( Geotransform
> <http://mapserver.org/fr/mapfile/geomtransform.html#end-and-start>  )
> Here my result
> <http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/file/n5313718/leader.png>
> Now a part of my mapfile:
>       GRIDSTEP 10 # number of pixels between positions that are tested
>       MAXDISTANCE 100 # distance in pixels that leader text can be drawn
>           STYLE
>             GEOMTRANSFORM "start"
>             SYMBOL "circle"
>             COLOR 255 0 0
>             SIZE 20
>           END # STYLE
>           STYLE
>             COLOR 0 0 0
>             WIDTH 4
>           END # STYLE
>           STYLE
>             GEOMTRANSFORM "end"
>             SYMBOL "circle"
>             COLOR 0 255 0
>             SIZE 20
>           END # STYLE
>     END

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