[mapserver-users] Allow request in http and https

Kralidis, Tom (EC) tom.kralidis at canada.ca
Tue May 2 07:42:30 PDT 2017

Correct, wms:OnlineResource is allowed once and only once [1].


[1] http://schemas.opengis.net/wms/1.3.0/capabilities_1_3_0.xsd

> -----Original Message-----
> From: mapserver-users [mailto:mapserver-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On
> Behalf Of Rahkonen Jukka (MML)
> Sent: 02 May 2017 10:39
> To: Andrea Peri; mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org
> Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] Allow request in http and https
> Hi,
> By looking at the WMS 1.3.0 standard OnlineResource is is sequence and I can't
> see anywhere maxOccurs="unbounded".  I am not sure but doesn't it mean that
> there must be exactly one OnlineResource?
> I used https://www.w3schools.com/xml/el_sequence.asp as reference and
> snippet from WMS 1.3.0 GetCapabilities schema is here:
> <element name="Get">
> <annotation>
> <documentation>
> The URL prefix for the HTTP "Get" request method.
> </documentation>
> </annotation>
> <complexType>
> <sequence>
> <element ref="wms:OnlineResource"/>
> </sequence>
> </complexType>
> </element>
> -Jukka Rahkonen-
> -----Alkuperäinen viesti-----
> Andrea Peri wrote:
> [mapserver-users] Allow request in http and https
> Hi,
> I need to set a mapserver wms to responde both on an http url and on an https
> url.
> I try seting two time the
> wms_onlineresource value:
>       "wms_onlineresource" "http://my-server/...."
>       "wms_onlineresource" "https://my-server/...."
> But the getcapabilites response oonly the second value.
> Is possible to set two url in the wms_onlineresource  ?
> Many thx.
> --
> -----------------
> Andrea Peri
> . . . . . . . . .
> qwerty àèìòù
> -----------------
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