[mapserver-users] Rewrite rule problem
Eichner, Andreas - SID
Andreas.Eichner at sid.sachsen.de
Thu Nov 2 03:14:26 PDT 2017
Hi Goran,
using a path segment to fill in a query parameter is pretty straight forward but the following assumes MapServer is installed under /cgi-bin/GDZ/wms:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^/cgi-bin/GDZ/([^/]+)/wms$ /cgi-bin/GDZ/wms?MAP=MS_MAPFILE&year=$1 [PT,QSA]
<Location "/cgi-bin/GDZ/wms">
SetEnvIfExpr "%{QUERY_STRING} =~ /^(.*&)?map=([[:alnum:]]+.map)(&.*)?$/" MS_MAPFILE=C:/ms4w/apps/Demo/$2
If you have MapServer-CGI installed as "/cgi-bin/mapserv" you better abstain from using SetEnvIfExpr and do with plain rewriting:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} "^(.*&)?map=([[:alnum:]]+.map)(&.*)?$" [NC]
RewriteRule ^/cgi-bin/GDZ/([^/]+)/wms$ /cgi-bin/mapserv?MAP=MS_MAPFILE&year=$1 [PT,QSA,E=MS_MAPFILE:C:/ms4w/apps/Demo/%2]
The basic question is: what are you trying to achieve? What's the reason to deal with the MAP parameter?
For WMS services you normally want plain URLs like "/wms/GDZ/2017?<query>" be rewritten
to "/cgi-bin/mapserv?MAP=GDZ.map&year=2017&<query>" which could expressed by a really simple RewriteRule:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule "^/wms/([[:alnunm]]+)/([^/]+)$" /cgi-bin/mapserv?MAP=C:/ms4w/apps/Demo/$1.map&year=$2 [PT,QSA]
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: mapserver-users [mailto:mapserver-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] Im
> Auftrag von gorank
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 1. November 2017 23:13
> An: mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org
> Betreff: Re: [mapserver-users] Rewrite rule problem
> Hi Andreas,
> Finally it works perfectly and it solved most of my problems. I would
> like
> to go one step forward. How will looks SetEnvIfExpr and Rewrite rule
> in
> case when in the mapfile there is a Real time substitution parameter (in
> my
> case year - 2015, 2016, ...)
> I would like to write url as you proposed in previous post but with
> added
> year parameter. Example for year 2015:
> from
> http://localhost:81/cgi-
> bin/GDZ/2015/wms?map=N1.map&REQUEST=GetCapabilities&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=
> 1.3.0
> to get
> http://localhost:81/cgi-
> bin/GDZ/wms?year=2015&map=N1.map&REQUEST=GetCapabilities&SERVICE=WMS&VER
> SION=1.3.0
> I tried to do it following your logic but not successfully.
> Best regards,
> Goran
> --
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