[mapserver-users] Draw roads WITHOUT anti-aliasing

Erik H erik.h11.01 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 6 08:08:33 PST 2017

Thanks again - I'm getting there. I installed libxml2-devel and added flags
for LIBXML2 and WMS, and now I can compile 'master'.

I was also able to merge it with my branch and compile it without
problems.  Rebasing my branch onto the latest and greatest commit in
'master' worked as well.

Was unable to push my changes to the Github repo in order to create a PR,

The 'WorkingWithGit' Wiki page says that I have to checkout 'master', merge
my branch, and push it back; this seems a bit strange to me (I expected to
have to push my own branch), and it does not seem to work anyway:

403 Forbidden while accessing

Same error when trying to push my own branch. Do I need to be granted
access first, or should I somehow create a PR first?

On Mon, Nov 6, 2017 at 8:33 AM, Eichner, Andreas - SID <
Andreas.Eichner at sid.sachsen.de> wrote:

> Ah, you need libxml2, so enable it: -DWITH_LIBXML2=ON
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