[mapserver-users] Building Mapserver + (PHP Mapscript) for Anaconda's Environment

daryl herzmann akrherz at iastate.edu
Fri Nov 10 08:22:06 PST 2017

Hi Mapservers,

I have become dependent on Anaconda's distribution for my OSS GIS 
stack, so I wanted to find a way to get mapserver to build using all of 
its provided libraries.  I wrote up my current experience here:


Of course, the trick is how to make PHP mapscript work, since having 
Anaconda provide a full PHP stack makes little sense.  It seems with a 
small LD_PRELOAD hack, I was able to get php-fpm to at least work.

Hopefully somebody else has already figured this out and knows the 
'right-way' to do this :)  My google-foo seems to not indicate that this 
has been publized before.

I have not fully groked conda-forge's recipe foo to attempt to upstream 
this there, but I would certainly help out if others have interest.  I 
don't know how we'd handle PHP-mapscript tho for conda-forge :)


  * daryl herzmann
  * Systems Analyst III -- Iowa Environmental Mesonet
  * https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu

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