[mapserver-users] Apply style to geojson based on property in geojson data

Tuffa chris at wherryengineering.co.uk
Tue Oct 24 07:43:06 PDT 2017


I am rendering a map of African countries from a single geojson file.  Each
country is represented as a feature with geometry.  I've added a custom
value to each feature's properties, that I would like to influence the style
selected by MapServer to render the country outline, however I cannot see
how it is possible to configure the layer so that MapServer uses the new
'value' property as the input for the style expressions that I have

Doing the same job, using a database as the datasource is easy!  I simply
craft a SQL 'select' statement for the mapfile's Layer 'DATA' to retrieve
the desired value and it becomes available to MapServer using the
'[value_name]' syntax in style expressions.  

This same approach does not appear to work for GeoJSON.  MapServer states
that the extent of support for the 'DATA' is driver-dependant, which is fair
enough; examination of the geoJson driver doc in the GDAL doc's does not
help me though.  

Can anyone help?  


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