[mapserver-users] V8 MapScript Support

Jonathan Beliën jbe at geo6.be
Wed Sep 27 02:54:35 PDT 2017


I'm struggling with how to add v8 support in MapServer.

I found http://mapserver.org/installation/v8.html but the install
instructions for v8 are now different :

I successfully compiled v8 following the instructions
<https://github.com/v8/v8/wiki/Building-from-Source>  ;
But I have no idea now how to compile MapServer with v8 support ;
I ran this command :

cmake -DWITH_V8=yes ..

but as excepted, I have this error : V8 JavaScript support requested but not
found. !

I try to install the v8 library and include headers as defined in MapServer
documentation <http://mapserver.org/installation/v8.html>  but I couldn't
find the libv8.so file.

Could someone help me or update the documentation
<http://mapserver.org/installation/v8.html>  ?
Thanks a lot !


Jonathan Beliën



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