[mapserver-users] php-mapscript installation in Linux

Lester Caine lester at lsces.co.uk
Wed Sep 27 15:15:42 PDT 2017

On 27/09/17 22:59, e.arapostathis wrote:
> Yes it's the 5.6 version of PhP since my app is not compatible with the
> latest version.

Minor number is important here ... both install and php_mapscript.so
need to be the same minor version.

>>My next step would be to check php can >actually see the .so file, but
>>properly compiled extensions should >already be in the right place.
> Any idea on how this could be done?

Can you actually see /usr/lib/php/20131226/php_mapscript.so at that
location? the 2013 date is still confusing since PHP5.6 did not come out
until August 2014. That date is around time 5.5.20 was released ...

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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