[mapserver-users] TCMUG (OSGeo local chapter) Meeting - Sept 12, 2018

Basques, Bob (CI-StPaul) bob.basques at ci.stpaul.mn.us
Tue Aug 14 09:29:17 PDT 2018


Sounds like the last meeting had a really good turnout, sorry I missed it (working out of town).  Thanks Brian for the detailed report.  See the results here: 1<https://www.dropbox.com/s/d9v3h7g28zd7t3x/IMG_20180808_185209.jpg?dl=0>, 2<https://www.dropbox.com/s/nigocqayri6prew/IMG_20180808_185222.jpg?dl=0>, 3<https://www.dropbox.com/s/bz7edwhsu7e5g7q/IMG_20180808_185224.jpg?dl=0>, and here 4<https://www.dropbox.com/s/cm3nwlh8sj23a5w/IMG_20180808_185227.jpg?dl=0>.

The next meeting will be at Lake Monster Brewing<https://goo.gl/maps/NawoMaADw5B2>.

Time 4:30
Date: Sept. 12th

See you all there.


"Do, or do not. There is no try."
- Yoda

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