[mapserver-users] labels only displaying across the center of the map (not on the top or bottom)

Mark Volz MarkVolz at co.lyon.mn.us
Tue Aug 21 12:36:29 PDT 2018


We noticed on my map that labels were only displaying across the center 1/3 of the map and not towards the top or bottom of the map for one particular layer in the map.  After changing PARTIALS from FALSE to TRUE the map was able to display all the labels as expected, which is good.  However I am curious as to what caused the labels to only display across the center 1/3 of the map in the first place.  Please let me know if there is anything I can look at to correct this issue.

Thank You!

                                                                TEXT ('[STR_NAME]')
                                                                ANTIALIAS TRUE
                                                                TYPE TRUETYPE
                                                                FONT franklin-gothic-heavy
                                                                SIZE 7
                                                                ANTIALIAS TRUE
                                                                #COLOR 200 100 255
                                                                OUTLINECOLOR 254 254 254
                                                                BUFFER 0
                                                                MINFEATURESIZE auto
                                                                PARTIALS TRUE
                                                                ANGLE FOLLOW
                                                                REPEATDISTANCE 300
                                                END #LABEL
                                END #CLASS

Mark Volz, GISP
Lyon County GIS Coordinator

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