[mapserver-users] labels only displaying across the center of the map (not on the top or bottom)

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Tue Aug 21 13:16:01 PDT 2018

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Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

On 2018-08-21 4:36 PM, Mark Volz wrote:
> Hello,
> We noticed on my map that labels were only displaying across the center 
> 1/3 of the map and not towards the top or bottom of the map for one 
> particular layer in the map.  After changing PARTIALS from FALSE to TRUE 
> the map was able to display all the labels as expected, which is good.  
> However I am curious as to what caused the labels to only display across 
> the center 1/3 of the map in the first place.  Please let me know if 
> there is anything I can look at to correct this issue.
> Thank You!

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