[mapserver-users] New mappyfile release (with CLI)

Seth G sethg at geographika.co.uk
Wed Aug 22 17:21:07 PDT 2018

Hi list,

Just to let you know there is a new release of mappyfile (0.7.3). If you're not aware of the project it is a Python library for working with Mapfiles, and can be installed with "pip install mappyfile". 

The latest release has 2 command line programs for formatting, and validating Mapfiles. See https://mappyfile.readthedocs.io/en/latest/client.html for details. In summary you can run:

    mappyfile format valid.map valid_formatted.map


    mappyfile validate valid.map

The project is released under an MIT licence, and sourcecode available at https://github.com/geographika/mappyfile

If anyone has valid Mapfiles that don't validate please create an issue on Github, or send them on to me directly. 



twitter: @geographika

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