[mapserver-users] Status of MVT vector tiles?

Miha Požauko mihapozauko at gmail.com
Mon Jul 16 02:24:07 PDT 2018

It took me some time to configure everything because I migrated everything
on a fresh ubuntu machine where i compiled and installed mapserver and
mapacache for the first time ever (you can imagine the strugle). But
following your instructions i have a working mapserver+mapcache with MVT
support now. Thanks!


V V čet., 28. jun. 2018 ob 21:57 je oseba Lime, Steve D (MNIT) <
steve.lime at state.mn.us> napisala:

> It generates vector tiles based on WMS requests. MapCache computes the
> proper extent based on the requested tile and then kicks off a WMS call for
> vector tile. The pull request creates support for a new generic “raw”
> format. MapCache doesn’t know much about files in this format, just a
> mime-type, so things like metatiling, image processing or tile assembly
> aren’t supported. You do get the cache management though. The raw format is
> not specific to vector tiles so you could use it for other formats like
> GeoJSON or UTFGrid.
> Anyway, in my mapcache.xml file I have the following setup:
> <!—define a new raw format to use for MapBox vector tiles -->
> <format name="MVT" type="RAW">
>    <extension>mvt</extension>
>    <mime_type>application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile</mime_type>
> </format>
> <!—this WMS source fetches MapBox vector tiles (.mvt) -->
> <source name="wms_mvt" type="wms">
>   <http>
>     <url>http://mapserver.localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv?</url>
>   </http>
>   <getmap>
>     <params>
>       <LAYERS>sna,wma,lakes,major_roads,places</LAYERS>
>       <FORMAT>application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile</FORMAT>
>       <MAP>/Users/sdlime/work/mvt-demo/demo.map </MAP>
>     </params>
>   </getmap>
> </source>
> <!—and finally the tileset -->
> <tileset name="mvt">
>   <source>wms_mvt</source>
>   <grid>g</grid>
>   <cache>disk</cache>
>   <format>MVT</format>
> </tileset>
> Then, if you look at the simple.json file in my demo repo you just change
> the source for the vector tiles layer to reference MapCache (I was running
> as FastCGI) instead of MapServer (mode=tile), so from:
> "tiles": ["
> http://mapserver.localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/Users/sdlime/work/mvt-demo/demo.map&mode=tile&tilemode=gmap&tile={x}+{y}+{z}&layers=all&map.imagetype=mvt
> <http://mapserver.localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/Users/sdlime/work/mvt-demo/demo.map&mode=tile&tilemode=gmap&tile=%7Bx%7D+%7By%7D+%7Bz%7D&layers=all&map.imagetype=mvt>
> "],
> to:
> "tiles": ["
> http://mapserver.localhost/cgi-bin/mapcache.fcgi/gmaps/mvt@g/{z}/{x}/{y}.mvt
> "]
> One thing to note is that you can control the resolution that each tile is
> created at. Each tile has a grid associated with it and that is used to
> convert the features to a grid-based coordinate system. The higher the
> resolution of that grid the more detail is represented in the tile. The
> default is 4096x4096. You can change that value via the MVT output format,
> for example:
>   NAME “mvt”
> A smaller resolution or extent will generally result in smaller tiles.
> --Steve
> *From:* Miha Požauko [mailto:mihapozauko at gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Tuesday, June 26, 2018 3:09 AM
> *To:* Lime, Steve D (MNIT) <steve.lime at state.mn.us>
> *Cc:* mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org
> *Subject:* Re: [mapserver-users] Status of MVT vector tiles?
> I found that pull request before thanks, will play around with it some
> more. When you say it relies on WMS requests does that mean it generates
> raster tiles or vector tiles in PBD file format? I don't have mine mapcache
> example working yet so i don't know what to expect.
> About canceled requests i found related "issue" discussed on leaflet forum:
> https://github.com/Leaflet/Leaflet.VectorGrid/issues/136
> But i don't see a problem with that because all entities are loaded on my
> map.
> I will have to find that secret souce yes, will try to optimize my map
> file for different scales. Pregenerated vector tiles would also help.
> Thanks for your answers. Will track your github for further updates.
> Miha
> V V pon., 25. jun. 2018 ob 23:57 je oseba Lime, Steve D (MNIT) <
> steve.lime at state.mn.us> napisala:
> Will do. I have a working MapCache example on my dev box that I can share
> pieces from. First step is to get MapCache working with the pull-request I
> submitted some time ago. It relies on WMS requests to MapServer for the MVT
> tiles. Pull request is at:
>   https://github.com/mapserver/mapcache/pull/166
> Regarding the canceled requests:
>  I'm not sure what up with those.  However, I don't believe those are a
> server issue, rather a client-based. You can see the same behavior on other
> sites using vector tiles from other services (
> https://openmaptiles.com/downloads/dataset/osm/#0.23/0/-26) in Chrome
> DevTools. Could be related to pre-fetching resources.
> Regarding a unresponsive browser:
> There's likely a secret sauce in terms of the matching min/max scales you
> should offer a layer at, whether you should manage multiple resolutions of
> your data on the server and other filtering. The demo is very naïve in that
> regard so you can end up with big tiles. At this point it's not something I
> can offer a ton of help with - I don’t have a production MVT application
> yet.
> Steve
> -----Original Message-----
> From: mapserver-users [mailto:mapserver-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On
> Behalf Of mp-surv
> Sent: Saturday, June 23, 2018 6:28 PM
> To: mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org
> Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] Status of MVT vector tiles?
> Hey Steve.
> I have a working demo using your data and when zooming out not all vector
> tiles load and browser becomes unresponsive (image below). To avoid
> overloading my computer when zooming out and causing my browser to crash I
> would like to use mapcache, but I'm struggling to set it upt. Can you
> please
> give a working example using mapache?
> <http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/file/t368111/Capture.png>
> I can see there are also a lot of canceled requests but they are not
> causing
> my browser to crash. Do you know what produces them?
> Thanks.
> --
> Sent from:
> http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/Mapserver-User-f4226646.html
> _______________________________________________
> mapserver-users mailing list
> mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org
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> --
> Lp,
> Miha

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