[mapserver-users] Inversed lat/long in WMS 1.3.0 GetCapabilties

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Thu Jul 26 11:27:04 PDT 2018

Louis Philippe,

> Just found something strange in the WMS GetCapabilties.
> With a GetCapabilities requets version 1.3.0, the Bounding box values looks
> to be inversed:
>   *  
> geo.weather.gc.ca/geomet?SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.3.0&REQUEST=GetCapabilities&
> <EX_GeographicBoundingBox><westBoundLongitude>-180</westBoundLongitude><eas
> tBoundLongitude>180</eastBoundLongitude><southBoundLatitude>-90</southBoundL
> atitude><northBoundLatitude>90</northBoundLatitude></EX_GeographicBoundingBo
> x><BoundingBox CRS="EPSG:4326" minx="-90" miny="-180" maxx="90" maxy="180"/>

This is the expected output. WMS 1.3.0 is supposed to honour EPSG axis order, 
and EPSG:4326 has X=latitude and Y=longitude.
Previous WMS versions didn't honour this and had X=longitude and Y=latitude.


Spatialys - Geospatial professional services

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