[mapserver-users] Attribution for WCS

Jonathan Moules jonathan-lists at lightpear.com
Fri Jun 15 15:43:36 PDT 2018

Hi Jean-Christophe,

I can't comment in relation to MapServer, but I don't think there's an 
"Attribution" field in the WCS spec.

WMS 1.3.0 does have it defined, and I guess this is what MapServer is 
populating from wms_attribution_title and its ilk:

" Attribution
The optional <Attribution> element provides a way to identify the source 
of the geographic information used in a
Layer or collection of Layers. Attribution encloses several optional 
elements: <OnlineResource> states the data
provider’s URL; <Title> is a human-readable string naming the data 
provider; <LogoURL> is the URL of a logo
image. Client applications may choose to display one or more of these 
items. A <Format> element in LogoURL
indicates the MIME type of the logo image, and the attributes width and 
height state the size of the image in
The Attribution element is inherited by child layers. Any redefinition 
by a child replaces the inherited value."

I can't see any equivalent for WCS. The closest thing I can find would 
be just putting it down as a general ServiceMetadata extension piece of 

On 2018-06-07 23:55, Jean-Christophe Malapert wrote:
> Hello,
> I am looking for a way to write attribution in my WCS. For WMS, it 
> exists some metadata such as wms_attribution_title but I do find no 
> information on the mapserver documentation about attribution for WCS.
> Thanks,
> Jean-Christophe
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