[mapserver-users] mapcache tileset with multiple grids - set-up of custom grid

karsten karsten at terragis.net
Fri Jun 22 03:04:51 PDT 2018

Hi All,
I set-up mapcache on an Ubuntu 16 LTS machine and got it working correctly.
I have seeded a tile set of aerials in PseudoMercator (using the
GoogleMapsCompatible grid) and is responding  correctly to  HTTP requests.
Now I am adding a second projection t that tiles set (EPSG:25832) and thus
added the entries in the mapcache.xml config file.  I started the seeding of
the new projection for the tile set and am not sure that it is set-up
correctly because at zoom level 11 (seeding levels 11-19) it already
produced (and id not finished yet) a huge amount of tiles (alerady over
120000 and counting !) , while for the GoogleMapsCompatible grid the total
count for zoom level 11-19 is around 52000 or so. 
I was expecting about the same number of tiles for the other EPSG:25832 grid
(because I reprojected the exact same bounding box and calculated the 19
resolutions (to tried to match the Google grid) from those . Below is the
configuration file. Would anyone know what might be wrong and how to fix it
or why my assumptions are incorrect ?
Karsten Vennemann
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- see the accompanying mapcache.xml.sample for a fully commented
configuration file -->
      <title>Terragis Mechernich Mapcache Service</title>
      <abstract>Luftbilder fuer Mechernich</abstract>
   <cache name="disk" type="disk">
   <source name="luftbilder_mech" type="wms">
   <source name="alkis_mech" type="wms">
   <grid name="GK_Mech">
      <extent>325000 5599000 343000 5615000</extent>
      <size>256 256</size>
      <resolutions>17.578125 8.7890625 4.39453125 2.197265625 1.098632813
0.549316406 0.274658203 0.137329102 0.068664551 0.034332275 0.017166138
0.008583069 0.004291534 0.002145767 0.001072884 0.000536442 0.000268221
0.00013411 6.70552E-05</resolutions>
    <tileset name="alkis_mech_tiles">
         <title>Flurstuecke und Gebaeude</title>
         <abstract>Flurstuecke und Gebaeude Mechernich</abstract>
      <grid restricted_extent="727077.513504722 6536256.08499261
754566.10585149 6562363.18993406">GoogleMapsCompatible</grid>
      <grid restricted_extent="325000 5599000 343000 5615000">GK_Mech</grid>
      <metatile>5 5</metatile>
   <tileset name="luftbilder_mech_tiles"> 
         <title>Luftbilder Mechernich</title>
         <abstract>Luftbilder Mechernich</abstract>
      <grid restricted_extent="727077.513504722 6536256.08499261
754566.10585149 6562363.18993406">GoogleMapsCompatible</grid> 
      <grid restricted_extent="325000 5599000 343000 5615000">GK_Mech</grid>

      <metatile>5 5</metatile>
   <service type="wms" enabled="true">


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