[mapserver-users] About the granularity of DEBUG on tileindex layers
Rahkonen Jukka (MML)
jukka.rahkonen at maanmittauslaitos.fi
Fri Nov 16 03:47:39 PST 2018
I have always used just "DEBUG 5" for debugging raster layers but now I finally made a test with Mapserver 7.0.1 for seeing what is the real difference between the debugging levels. I was a bit surprised to see that there is not so much difference at all, and that the DEBUG 1 level gives information that is missing from the higher debugging levels but that would be useful sometimes.
Debug 1 prints these lines
[Fri Nov 16 12:05:50 2018].964589 msDrawRasterLayerLow(layer_name): entering.
[Fri Nov 16 12:05:50 2018].980393 msDrawRasterLayerLow(layer_name): Filename is: path/file.TIF
[Fri Nov 16 12:05:50 2018].980423 msDrawRasterLayerLow(layer_name): Path is: path/file.TIF
[Fri Nov 16 12:05:50 2018].980591 AUTO = +proj=utm +zone=35 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs
[Fri Nov 16 12:05:50 2018].980677 msDrawRasterLayerGDAL(): Entering transform.
[Fri Nov 16 12:05:50 2018].980687 msDrawRasterLayerGDAL(): src=9979,8,1786,1062, dst=0,0,1697,1009
[Fri Nov 16 12:05:50 2018].980691 msDrawRasterLayerGDAL(): source raster PL (9978.817,7.700) for dst PL (0,0).
[Fri Nov 16 12:05:50 2018].980700 msDrawRasterLayerGDAL(): red,green,blue,alpha bands = 1,2,3,0
All debug levels from level 2 print these lines:
[Fri Nov 16 12:09:05 2018].581597 msDrawRasterLayerLow(layer_name): entering.
[Fri Nov 16 12:09:05 2018].589989 AUTO = +proj=utm +zone=35 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs
[Fri Nov 16 12:09:05 2018].590061 msDrawRasterLayerGDAL(): Entering transform.
[Fri Nov 16 12:09:05 2018].590069 msDrawRasterLayerGDAL(): src=2318,7977,1786,1062, dst=0,0,1697,1009
[Fri Nov 16 12:09:05 2018].590073 msDrawRasterLayerGDAL(): source raster PL (2317.846,7977.061) for dst PL (0,0).
[Fri Nov 16 12:09:05 2018].590081 msDrawRasterLayerGDAL(): red,green,blue,alpha bands = 1,2,3,0
[Fri Nov 16 12:09:05 2018].720794 msDrawMap(): Layer 3 (layer_name), 0.139s
The only additional item that debug levels 2 and above give is the rendering time msDrawMap that is often useful. But at the same time the filename and path items which are present at debug level 1 are missing.
I suggest to add debug items msDrawRasterLayerLow(): Filename and msDrawRasterLayerLow(): Path should be added alto to debug levels >=2. For being even more useful the highest debug level could give also timings about reading the tileindex and perhaps separate timings about things like how long does it take to read the "src" window from each "Filename" and if overviews are used or not.
-Jukka Rahkonen-
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