[mapserver-users] mapserver/mapcache apache+nginx

Sebastiano Laini Sebastiano.Laini at BuchananComputing.co.uk
Thu Feb 28 03:06:50 PST 2019

Hi all,

Following the maximum speed I can get from mapcache, I'm going to make some test in a new server with Nginx as a reverse proxy and Apache.
How stable is mapcache 1.6.1 with Nginx and how should I setup mapcache.

I know there are instruction but I don't understand some points.


this are the instruction to build my actual setup

cd /usr/local/src/
wget http://download.osgeo.org/mapserver/mapcache-1.6.1.tar.gz
tar -xzvf mapcache-1.6.1.tar.gz
rm -f mapcache-1.6.1.tar.gz
cd mapcache-1.6.1
mkdir build
cd build
cmake   -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="usr/bin/sqlite3" \
        -DWITH_SQLITE=1 \
        -DWITH_BERKELEY_DB=0 \
        -DWITH_TIFF=0 \
        -DWITH_GEOTIFF=0 \
        -DWITH_FCGI=0 \
        -DWITH_PCRE=0 \

Run make and then make install:

make install
sudo ldconfig

I add this to the httpd.conf:

LoadModule mapcache_module    modules/mod_mapcache.so

<IfModule mapcache_module>
                              <Directory /usr/local/src/mapcache-1.6.1>
                              Require all granted
                              MapCacheAlias /mapcache "/usr/local/src/mapcache-1.6.1/build/mapcache.xml"

And then I copy my mapcache.xml in the build directory and:

sudo ldconfig
service httpd restart

If I want to use Nginx as a reverse proxy and speed up the cache I need to build it from scratch as in the instruction and change the configuration to use mapcache with Nginx? Or still you will use both of them? Can I use yum install nginx and then add the module?

The part about The basic configuration without any proxying.... Where should be put? In the mapcache.xml?

Is there any particular apache and Nginx config that I should use?
My apache configuration is the default one in Plesk (at the moment mpm event)  and in the test server (mpm prefork as they told me that it's better, though it's using the default configuration)


Sebastiano Laini
Web Developer
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