[mapserver-users] csharp_mapscript dotnet core on Linux

Rui ruigis at protonmail.com
Sun Jan 13 07:47:28 PST 2019

Hey guys. I am trying to use mapscript from a dotnet core application. Works OK on Windows, but am not able to get csharp_mapscript compiled on Linux.
Has anyone ever did this? From the recent efforts to have a cross platform dotnet this seems to be a good bet.

A couple of things seem to show that this is not possible, for example the environment variables in the build.make generated are Windows format. Also the use of the command copy  is a Windows command.

the file build.make generated
mapscript/csharp/mapscript.so: mapscript/csharp/CMakeFiles/mapscript.dir/link.txt
@$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_echo_color --switch=$(COLOR) --green --bold --progress-dir=/home/linusr/projs/mapserver/ms_src/mapserver/build/CMakeFiles --progress-num=$(CMAKE_PROGRESS_3) "Linking C shared module mapscript.so"
cd /home/linusr/projs/mapserver/ms_src/mapserver/build/mapscript/csharp && $(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_link_script CMakeFiles/mapscript.dir/link.txt --verbose=$(VERBOSE)
@$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_echo_color --switch=$(COLOR) --blue --bold "Compiling c# source files"
cd /home/linusr/projs/mapserver/ms_src/mapserver/build/mapscript/csharp && set MAPSCRIPT_SNK=/home/linusr/projs/mapserver/ms_src/mapserver\mapscript\csharp\mapscript.snk
cd /home/linusr/projs/mapserver/ms_src/mapserver/build/mapscript/csharp && set MAPSCRIPT_SNK=%MAPSCRIPT_SNK:/=\%
cd /home/linusr/projs/mapserver/ms_src/mapserver/build/mapscript/csharp && copy /Y "%MAPSCRIPT_SNK%"

The file mapscriptCSHARP_wrap.c
this file is using instructions only valid for Microsoft compilers.

SWIGINTERN imageObj *mapObj_draw(struct mapObj *self){

    //__try {
        return msDrawMap(self, 0);
    //__except(1 /*EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER, catch every exception so it doesn't crash IIS*/) {
    //    msSetError(15, "Unhandled exception in drawing map image 0x%08x", "msDrawMap()", GetExceptionCode());
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