[mapserver-users] Adding cache control headers to wms requests

Stephen Woodbridge stephenwoodbridge37 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 4 08:15:56 PDT 2019

Hi all,

I need to add the following headers to some wms responses:

|Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate Pragma: no-cache 
Expires: 0 I am aware that I can set: MAP WEB METADATA ... 
"ows_http_max_age" "0" END END ... END But it seems like it would be a 
good idea to be able to set additional headers also. Maybe something 
like: WEB HEADERS "||Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate|"
     "|Pragma: no-cache|"
     "Expires: 0"

This would provide an easy way to add arbitrary response header.
The various headers are because browsers are not consistent which headers they respond to.
See||   https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49547/how-do-we-control-web-page-caching-across-all-browsers

Maybe we can already do this and I'm not aware of how. I could write a wrapper around mapserver and
funnel some requests through it to do this, but it would be nice if mapserver via the mapfile can do it.


-Steve W

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