[mapserver-users] Mapserver / Mapcache WMTS still not working on ArcGIS

Mark Volz MarkVolz at co.lyon.mn.us
Wed Jul 24 13:54:30 PDT 2019

With your help I was able to figure out the issue (at least I think)!   

WMTS seems to work as expected after I modified the extent of my grid so that the difference between the min Y and max Y is a multiple of the extent of my largest tile.  For example the maximum resolution on my grid is 1024 and my tile height is 256.  When multiplied together the height of my largest tile is 262144 feet.  I modified the max Y of my grid so that it is exactly 262144 feet greater than the min y.  WMTS now works after clearing out the cache and changing the max x value accordingly.

Remaining questions...
*Is this assumption actually correct?  If so perhaps this should be mentioned in documentation.
*I am curious if the tile zoom levels really need to be a power of 2 or not.  

Thank You!

>I can see the shift here and if you mouse over the upper left corner of the image I'm seeing a shift in the UL_Y value
>https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=http%3a%2f%2fgeomoose.lyonco.org%2fmapcache%2fdemo%2fwms&c=E,1,JBoW1kSV-KLc->IlnHOQi2ETjmuZmYLVpcOmJxplUKyD4tgLlmzvCc4MNi0JVtudLSsIwO3qZFdLgKI12d79XvVWEfYh7ETalbKGLB7ouk6W8rw4OgD1ucg,,&typo=1   UL_Y = 262080
>https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=http%3a%2f%2fgeomoose.lyonco.org%2fmapcache%2fdemo%2fwmts%c2%a0&c=E,1,AvlcjK72eMPDjlMHhJ7H6G8fZh7shACLsKcnUnbTVrYpFoI->21Yz4wSO9NnSzrTyUyOE6T4KcT7q1Cy2C60ApadmKliw4afhndhoVC8d&typo=1 UL_Y = 238272
>I have no idea why this is happening, but it might help some figure out whats going on.
>-Steve W
>On 7/24/2019 9:41 AM, Mark Volz wrote:

> Hello,
> I am having trouble displaying my MapServer / Mapcache WMTS service in
> ArcGIS.   The image appears to be offset vertically, but not
> horizontally.  When I switch ArcMap over to use the WMS service 
> everything appears fine.
> *I had originally thought that the problem was my service did not have 
> a power of 2 between the cache resolutions.  I fixed the resolutions 
> and I am still having trouble  (resolutions 1,2,4,8,16,32, etc)
> *I know ArcGIS is presuming a scale of 90.714 DPI, and I think
> Mapserver / Mapcache use 72 DPI.   I don’t think this is an issue
> because the horizontal scale is fine in ArcGIS.
> Please let me know if you have any idea why the imagery is shifted 
> vertically.
> Thank You
> Reference: WMS= 
> https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=http%3a%2f%2fgeomoose.lyonco.org
> %2fmapcache%2fWMSServer&c=E,1,Qz9vT68QVXd8vHSCor77EBSXzJtYBWIRQr8J-YWj
> AgcKrgTPoAMJLecyJkAWpArXWj08b8pQr5Ivg4moMbpQT2J839XuoOvvt_SQD6_sdNfQCl
> 9JjZUIZb2vnQ,,&typo=1 
> <https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=http%3a%2f%2fgeomoose.lyonco.or
> g%2fmapcache%2fWMSServer&c=E,1,7Ht7_3NcKlNhs4Vmycchp38r3w6EGWs_lZQLhud
> C5bKQ1hR_B9SIyfq3OtJqWfljqkHdgZor2SsF0ZgGUG-XNMufcZq-FmFTAzJusSdDOrGeC
> CRg85MYq5PA&typo=1>?  ,
> WMTS=https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=http%3a%2f%2fgeomoose.lyonc
> o.org%2fmapcache%2fwmts%2f1.0.0%2fWMTSCapabilities.xml&c=E,1,RQfebMcSW
> ItePB43q6Ies41E9kIvN084IewVpRKBh-HdPrBLGTp3MHPQVpmkiJ4_Hd1ZmGh9BpltOuF
> ymt72OGUJY0YRvgVRUKW3qb_VbekLVG3_6z_e7Kd2btWR&typo=1
> -  MurrayStandardBackgroundMap , EPSG 103757 – NAD 1983 HARN Adj MN 
> Murray Feet
> Sincerely,
> *Mark Volz, GISP***
> *Lyon County GIS Coordinator*

Mark Volz, GISP
Lyon County GIS Coordinator
504 Fairgrounds Rd
Marshall, MN 56258
Ph:  (507) 532-8218

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