[mapserver-users] WCS GetCoverage request one by one pixel

Rahkonen Jukka (MML) jukka.rahkonen at maanmittauslaitos.fi
Mon Apr 6 08:26:19 PDT 2020


Could you have a try with the default resampling "nearest"? And then also with subset having lower limit equal to upper. Now it fails, I tried already.


GetCoverage trim with equal low and high has at least worked in the past, see http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/Why-WCS-2-0-1-slice-is-not-supported-td5343277.html

It should be OK by the WCS standard because all intersected pixels should be included and in this case the intersection is a single pixel. But see also https://osgeo-org.atlassian.net/browse/GEOS-9553 and learn that Geoserver supports slicing but not trimming to one pixel.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Lähettäjä: mapserver-users <mapserver-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org> Puolesta Bakker, Anton
Lähetetty: maanantai 6. huhtikuuta 2020 16.00
Vastaanottaja: mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org
Aihe: [mapserver-users] WCS GetCoverage request one by one pixel

Hi all,

I am running into a problem when sending HTTP requests to a MapServer backed WCS service.  I am trying to request a GeoTIFF of exactly 1 by 1 pixel, however this request fails by responding with a huge pixel (here is the describeCoverage request of the coverage requested):


When I modify the request to cover an area of 2X2 pixels, the response turns out fine:


See the screenshots hosted on imgur; (https://imgur.com/a/8IBGs3G (first screenshot is the erronous response of the request with the 1X1 extent, second screenshot is the result of the 2X2 request).

The MapServer version we are running is 7.4.3. Here is an excerpt of the mapfile that is used to configure the WCS service:

    NAME ahn3_05m_dsm
      "wcs_srs"              "EPSG:28992"
      "wcs_label"           "ahn3_05m_dsm"
      "wcs_rangeset_name"   "ahn3_05m_dsm"
      "wcs_rangeset_label"  "ahn3_05m_dsm"
      "wcs_extent"          "10000 250000 356250 618750"
      "wcs_resolution"      "0.5 0.5"
      "wcs_imagemode"       "FLOAT32"
      "wcs_bandcount"       "1"
    DATA /srv/data/ahn3_05m_dsm/ahn3_05m_dsm.vrt

I quickly skimmed the issue tracker on Github but could not find any issue causing this problem. Any thoughts on the cause of the problem are highly appreciated.

Kind regards,

Anton Bakker, Software Engineer
Kadaster / Geo- en Vastgoedinformatie en Advies / PDOK
tel. 06 - 29 737 351
anton.bakker at kadaster.nl<mailto:anton.bakker at kadaster.nl>

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